Family weekly program

A great, free, valley-wide program for the vacation season for children of all ages.

Those who come to Gastein on vacation with their little treasures can feel the child-friendly atmosphere from the very first moment. The entire valley is geared towards families. Loving care in the accommodations and an extensive entertainment program are given top priority. Finally time for each other - and for exciting moments!


We have put together a very special programme so that our young visitors will certainly not get bored. From sports to music to knowledge and nature, there is something for everyone.

Summer/Autumn 2024 program


Guided walk "Legends and stories from Gastein"

10.6. - 18.11.2024

16.00 hrs


Even in imperial times, Gastein was a popular vacation resort for many world-famous personalities. On this guided walk along the Empress Elisabeth Promenade in Bad Gastein, you will learn all about the times, legends and legends from the ancient Romans to Empress Elisabeth. The walk takes place exclusively in German and in all weathers.


Duration: approx. 1.5 hours.

Number of participants: min. 2 persons, max. 30 persons

Price with Gastein Card: free of charge

Registration until Monday, 10.00 am (if the minimum number of participants is reached, registration is also possible until shortly before the start)

Meeting point: Stubnerkogel valley station, in front of the Lederer ski rental shop

Information and registration: Bad Gastein Tourist Office, T. +43 6432 3393560



Mineral hike in Sportgastein

24.6. - 2.9.2024

10.30 a.m.

On this guided hike in Sportgastein, hiking guide Gottfried explains the difference
difference between minerals and rocks, what different minerals there are and where they can be found.
and where they can be found. With a bit of luck, little treasure hunters will discover a
rock crystal, pyrite or garnet.

Duration: approx. 2 - 3 hours
Number of participants: min. 3 persons
Price with Gastein Card: free of charge

Meeting point: Sportgastein National Park House
Registration by Monday, 8.30 a.m., Bad Gastein Spa and Tourism Association, T. +43 6432 3393 560

Creative forest walk for little naturalists up to 8 years old

1.7.2024 - 2.9.2024


14.00 - 16.30

A journey of discovery in the forest for little adventurers up to the age of 8. Creativity is encouraged when building mysterious spirit creatures from leaves and treetops as well as structures or dams from stones.

Nature is perceived with all the senses. An interesting afternoon for the whole family, where we can introduce you to the fascination of the Gastein Valley.

Duration: approx. 2.5 hours.
Participation: free of charge
Number of participants: min. 1, max. 25

Meeting point: bus stop at the Angertal ski center
Other: only possible when accompanied by an adult, hiking clothing and sturdy shoes required, participation only possible with Gastein Card

Registration: required by Monday 11.00 am at KTVB-Bad Hofgastein, T+43 6432 3393 260.



Survival adventure

1.7. - 2.9.2024

13.00 - 17.00

On the survival adventure in Dorfgastein, children learn how to use the natural world around them. From Unterberg, the group hikes the exciting "Bear Trail" to the Amoseralm, where they build a shelter, look for edible plants and build a fire pit. A knowledgeable instructor explains how to find your way with and without GPS and how to behave in emergency situations. For refreshment, there will be grilled sausages on sticks at the self-built fire pit.

Duration: approx. 4 hours

Number of participants: min. 4 persons, max. 30 persons

Meeting point: Hiking starting point Unterberg, Dorfgastein

Other: Children from 6 years, participation only possible with accompanying person and Gastein Card.

Price with Gastein Card: free of charge

Registration: by Monday 10.00 am, Dorfgastein Tourist Office, T. +43 6432 3393 460




Mountain stream experience

25.6. - 3.9.2024


1.30 pm

A mountain stream rushing over large boulders, foaming water from which the coolness dissipates and unbridled life romping in the fresh water. Find out all about the "mountain stream" habitat on this guided hike. Together we look for, identify and microscope small creatures in the water.

Duration: approx. 2.5 hours.
Number of participants: min. 4 people, max. 12 people
Other: Takes place in all weathers.
Equipment: light hiking clothing, adapted to the weather.
Price with Gastein Card: free of charge

Meeting point: Himmelwandhütte Kötschachtal
Registration until Monday, 16.00, Kur- & Tourismusverband Bad Gastein, T. +43 6432 3393 560

Tennis for children

2.7. - 27.8.2024

16.00 - 17.00 hrs


In this tennis workshop, children playfully learn how to handle the racket and ball. They are prepared for the movements involved in tennis with various exercises and receive professional instructions on how to do them correctly.

Duration approx.: 1 hour

Number of participants: min. 3 persons, max. 8 persons

Other: minimum age 5 years

Participation only possible with Gastein Card.

Meeting point: tennis court, Dorfgastein

Price with Gastein Card: free of charge

Registration by Monday, 5.00 pm, Dorfgastein Tourist Office, T. +43 6432 3393 460




Herb checker forest explorer from 8 years

10.7.2024 - 28.8.2024

14.00 - 16.00 Bad Hofgastein

Meeting point bus stop, Angertal ski center in rainy weather in the congress center

Together with herbal medicine practitioner and forest health trainer Theresa Sommerbichler, you will discover natural treasures from meadows and forests on this hike. Along the way, you will learn how to use wild herbs for your hiking and natural pharmacy and make your own anti-mosquito bite tincture or after-sun lotion. With every step you take, you open your senses to the natural wonders that surround you!

Duration: approx. 2 hours
Number of participants: min. 2, max. 10
Other: Rain, sun and tick protection required, as well as sturdy shoes and a rucksack. Please also bring something to drink and a small snack if required. It is not necessary to be accompanied by an adult.

Price: free of charge
Only possible with GASTEIN CARD

Registration until Tuesday, 16.00 hrs,
Information and registration: Bad Hofgastein Tourist Office, T. +43 6432 3393 260



3D hunting archery for children

3.7. - 11.9.2024


9.30 - 11.30 a.m.



Strength, coordination, concentration and of course a whole lot of fun are on offer when the bow is drawn at the Hartlbauern in Dorfgastein. Archery is an exciting outdoor experience for children aged between 10 and 16. The three-dimensional targets provide plenty of variety. Who will win the exciting duel and hit the most targets? The course is sporty and challenging.

Duration: 2 hours

Number of participants: min. 2 children, max. 6 children

Other: minimum age 10 years (10 - 16 years)

Price with Gastein Card: free of charge

Meeting point: Hartlbauer, Bergl, Dorfgastein
Registration by Tuesday, 5.00 pm, Dorfgastein Tourist Office, T. +43 6432 3393 460



Craft workshop for creative people

10.7. - 28.8.2024

4.45 pm

Cutting, gluing, painting, decorating, sprinkling glitter and much more. Every week a
new motto every week that spurs the imagination and creates the most beautiful works of art.
Bring a good mood, your favorite pencils and a paper bag to take the artwork home with you.
be able to take the artwork home safely. For children aged 6 and over.

Duration approx. 1.5 hours.
Number of participants: min. 3 children, max. 10 - 12 children
Price with Gastein Card: free of charge

Meeting point: Bad Gastein Spa & Tourism Association
Registration until Tuesday, 4.00 pm, (if the minimum number of participants is reached, it is also possible until shortly before the start);

Bad Gastein Tourist Office, T. +43 6432 3393 560


Children's yoga

14.00 - 15.00

04.07.2024 - 05.09.2024 Bad Hofgastein

Meeting point: Congress Center, Tauernplatz 1
Get creative with children's yoga! The classic yoga poses (asanas) are brought to life with a story: then you row across the stormy sea in a boat (Navasana) or fly across the field as an eagle (Garudasana) and gaze into the distance. The most important thing is: HAVE FUN!


Number of participants: min. 2
Price: free of charge
Duration: approx. 1 hour
Other: Accompaniment by adults is not required. Only possible with Gastein Card

Registration until Wednesday, 16.00 hrs
Information and registration: Bad Hofgastein Tourist Office, T. +43 6432 3393 260




4.7. - 29.8.2024

9.30 - 12.00 a.m.

Together we will go on a discovery tour as naturalists. We'll be out and about on the nature trail in Dorfgastein, where exciting herb and forest puzzles await you. Along the way, you will collect edible wild plants, which we will later process into a fortifying mountain snack and a refreshing meadow brew. This morning is rounded off with a visit to the forest playground.


Duration: approx. 2.5 hours

Number of participants: min. 2 children, max. 10 children

Other: Children from 5 years accompanied by an adult

Price with Gastein Card: free of charge

Meeting point: Dorfgastein Tourist Office

Registration until Wednesday, 16.00 hrs Tourismusverband Dorfgastein, T. +43 6432 3393 460







16.00 hrs


Meeting point: Alpenkurpark Bad Hofgastein


Can three-year-olds sit still for an hour? Not at all! And they don't have to! Why sit when you can dance, bounce, jump, spin and giggle?

Music is so much fun and cheers up little and big, young and old hearts. Nowhere are emotions reflected as clearly and purely as in the faces of children: And you can see their curiosity about the hour-long concert experience. Conductor and director of the Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra Elisabeth Fuchs is herself a mother of two: early contact between children and classical music is a very personal concern for her, true to the motto "practice early". And having fun is the top priority.
S. Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf
The concerts are aimed at curious music lovers from the age of 3: There are no upper limits.

No registration required.
Price: free of charge


Bake farmer's doughnuts

Mid-May - end of September 2024


11.00 a.m.


In the show doughnut kitchen, fresh doughnuts are prepared daily in a wide range of variations. Every Saturday, the hut landlord Michael introduces you to the art of baking Bauerkrapfen.


Time: 11.00 a.m.

Meeting point: Obere Astenalm

Cost: € 3.50 is charged for the farmer's doughnut with jam.

Information and registration: Michael Salzmann, T. + 43 664 914 55 83