over 1200 meters of altitude over 3.3 kilometers

Beinhoat - The Vertical

steil.steiler.BEINHOAT | be there in Dorfgastein

The aim is to cover the distance from the valley station Gipfelbahn Fulseck to the mountain station Gipfelbahn Fulseck, over 1200 meters in altitude, as fast as possible. The route can be freely chosen by the runners.

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  • Distance: 1200 meters in altitude - 3.3 kilometers
  • Place: Dorfgastein
  • Start time: 11.00 am valley station Gipfelbahn Fulseck
  • Finish: Summit station Gipfelbahn Fulseck
  • Start number distribution: Saturday 8.00 to 10.00 am valley station
  • Route: freely selectable
  • Equipment: with or without poles

That was "Beinhoat 2022