status type name persons valley mountain opening times
36 Gipfelbahn Fulseck I 6 868m 1466m 08:30 - 16:00
37 Gipfelbahn Fulseck II 6 1466m 2033m 08:30 - 16:00
51 Panoramabahn I 6 886m 1273m 08:30 - 16:30
52 Panoramabahn II 6 1273m 1849m 08:30 - 16:30
103 10er Kabinenbahn Kieserl I 10 890m 1270m 08:30 - 16:30
103 10er Kabinenbahn Kieserl II 10 1270m 1942m 08:30 - 16:30

Opening hours Dorfgastein and Grossarl cable cars - summer 2024

High season:
28.06. - 8.09.2024 daily
Low season:
9.09. - 24.10.2024 every Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
25.10. - 31.10.2024 daily
In fair weather 2 & 3 November 2024
Operating hours:
from 8.30 am - 4.00 pm continuous operation


Fulseck evening lifts:

Operates continuously from 18.00 - 22.00 hrs

25 July

31 July

7 August


NEW: Hiking swings

With the 3 cable car mountain experience ticket, from this year onwards you can take a swing ride between Dorfgastein and Grossarl every day! The ticket is valid on the Gipfelbahn-Fulseck, the Kieserlbahn & the Panoramabahn.

Holders of the Almorama Card, Berge und Thermen Card & summer season ticket can also use the Grossarl cable cars (Kieserlbahn & Panoramabahn) every Tuesday!


Opening hours Dorfgastein and Grossarl cable cars - summer 2024

High season:
28.06. - 8.09.2024 daily
Low season:
9.09. - 24.10.2024 every Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
25.10. - 31.10.2024 daily
In fair weather 2 & 3 November 2024
Operating hours:
from 8.30 am - 4.00 pm continuous operation


Fulseck evening lifts:

Operates continuously from 18.00 - 22.00 hrs

25 July

31 July

7 August


NEW: Hiking swings

With the 3 cable car mountain experience ticket, from this year onwards you can take a swing ride between Dorfgastein and Grossarl every day! The ticket is valid on the Gipfelbahn-Fulseck, the Kieserlbahn & the Panoramabahn.

Holders of the Almorama Card, Berge und Thermen Card & summer season ticket can also use the Grossarl cable cars (Kieserlbahn & Panoramabahn) every Tuesday!