Echtes Goldwaschen für Jung & Alt im Angertal

Topics: Zomer | Familie | Kinderen

Goldwaschplatz ca 30 Min. vom Parkplatz entfernt,
Bad Hofgastein
vr, 20.09.2024
10:00 o'clock

Echtes Goldwaschen für Jung & Alt im Angertal

Topics: Zomer | Familie | Kinderen

Information about the Event:

Gastein was the Valley of Gold even in ancient times. Following the traces of the old gold miners, you can try your luck panning for gold nuggets on the original sites.

Duration approx.: 1 - 2 h
Price with Gastein Card: € 5.00 per person
Price without Gastein Card: € 7.00 per person
Registration until Thursday, 4 pm, information and registration:
Ski- & Alpinschule Angerer, T. +43 664 202 97 93


Kur- und Tourismusverband Bad Hofgastein
Tauernplatz 1
5630 Bad Hofgastein, AT