Thanksgiving festival and big procession

Topics: Jesień | Gastein TV | Bauernherbst | Kultura | Święta

Bad Gastein centre,
Bad Gastein
nie, 29.09.2024
08:30 o'clock

Thanksgiving festival and big procession

Topics: Jesień | Gastein TV | Bauernherbst | Kultura | Święta

Information about the Event:

Traditional Thanksgiving festival with procession

Festival program:


8.15 am Entry of the farmers' wives with the harvest crown into the parish church "Maria, Mother of Good Counsel" in Böckstein

8.30 am Festival service

11.30 am Lining up of the harvest festival procession at the Bad Gastein municipal building yard

12.30 pm Traditional parade from the municipal building yard via Böcksteiner Bundesstraße to the train station and Mozartplatz, on to the town center and via Badbergstraße to Badbruck

From approx. 5 pm End of the festival with music and dancing at the EUROPÄISCHE HOF Aktivhotel & Spa

Kur- und Tourismusverband Bad Gastein
Kaiser Franz Josefstr. 27
5640 Bad Gastein, AT