Billetter til Yoga Days
Lær den rigtige ski- eller snowboardteknik lige fra starten.
Eller vil du gerne selv opfriske dine færdigheder? Snesportsinstruktørerne og guiderne viser dig hvordan.
Alle kan lære at stå på ski, snowboard og langrend. Uanset om man er ung eller gammel, lille eller stor. Højtuddannede snesportsinstruktører hjælper dig med de første udfordringer. De store øvelsesområder i Gastein-dalen er som skabt til nem indlæring. Især dine børn vil føle sig hjemme, fordi de lærer nye ting på en legende måde, og i løbet af ingen tid vil de have det rigtige sving.
Hvis du allerede er godt på vej til at blive professionel skiløber, kan du accelerere dine fremskridt yderligere og booke en skiinstruktør eller guide til at give dig den sidste finish.
Exclusive - Guiding!
Family Skischool GO! in the Gastein Valley offers courses for all ages at holiday-friendly course times
The best trained and certified ski and snowboard instructors will mentor you in all areas of winter sports. Quick learning with TOP quality.
Exciting outdoor activities at any time of the year.
State-certified mountain- & ski guide Ski instructor
SNOWSPORTS GASTEIN is a small, but fine ski- and snowboardschool in the Gastein Valley, which attaches great importance to top quality and personal care
You want to admire the mountain top not only from the valley, but stand directly on it and feel the freedom? You want to experience the breathtaking mountain world up close? Step out of your comfort zone, set yourself a…
The best trained and certified ski and snowboard instructors will mentor you in all areas of winter sports. Quick learning with TOP quality.
A family-run business which cares about its customers. For the last 25 years, we have represented skill and quality, providing group and one to one lessons for all age groups.
Freeride Gastein - always looking for the perfect powder in the Gastein Valley
The best trained and certified ski and snowboard instructors will mentor you in all areas of winter sports. Quick learning with TOP quality.
The alpine school and ski school Angerer in Dorfgastein offers alpine competence at all seasons and provides this for high-quality training.Ski lessons for adults and children in private or group courses, freeride, ski…